PoliceRP Server Rules

Written by
Noble Networks - PoliceRP Rules
These rules must be followed at all times if rules are not followed staff members gave the right to issue punishments like, warns or bans

General Rules -

1A - General Conduct - Be respectful to Staff and Other Players, constant disrespect and inappropriate behaviour is not permitted. Homophobia, racism etc is not tolerated, Use Common Sense and don't use loopholes etc.
1B - Hacking - The use of Hacks and Exploits are not permitted, any threats to DDoS the server will result in an instant permanent ban
1C - RDM/VDM - Do not RDM (Kill someone without valid reason) or VDM (Kill someone with a vehicle for no reason).
1D - Metagaming - Don’t metagame (using information your character wouldn't know).
1E - Spamming - Do not Camera Spam/Micspam/Chat Spam/Hornspam/use voice changers.
1F - FearRP - If you are put under fear (e.g. you have a gun pointed at you) you must obey everything the person pointing at you is saying otherwise this will be a FearRP warn.
1G - FailRP - Do not FailRP includes cop bait/unrealistic RP/non-compliance with the Government while in cuffs.
1H - Advertisement - Do not advertise. This includes Streams/Communities/other servers etc.
1I - Government Carjacking - You can steal government vehicles except for NHS vehicles or any type of helicopters/planes (Stealing Aircraft can result in a temporary ban).
1J - Counter Arresting - You may not kill someone who you are trying to break out of cuffs/jail. You may lock pick them out (Killing them is considered FailRP).
1K - Interrupting - Do Not interrupt meetings, trainings or admin sits.
1L - NLR - Do not NLR(New Life Rule). You cannot remember your past life or return to the same situation or return to the same place for 5 mins.
1M - Mugging - You may mug for anywhere up to £7,000
1N - Hostages - During Hostage Negotiations you may ask for up to £15k for Non-Gov or up to £25k for Gov.
1O - Adverts - Valid Adverts: Bank Raid, Counter [What you're countering] (eg. Arrest, Bank etc). You cannot just advert Counter, there has to be what you are countering after it otherwise it counts as Failure To Advert.
1P - Self Supply - Do not self-supply unless you are protecting a shop you may have.

Props/Building -
2A - Climbing/Surfing -  Do not prop climb/prop surf/prop push/abuse to injure or gain unfair roleplay advantage over others or for any reason (includes between skyscrapers/other buildings).
2B - Building - While building, place a visible and clear Textscreen outside to notify others you are building. You can NOT raid a base with a Building Sign. You may not have illegal items such as Printers or Drugs ect.. and have a Building Sign up.
2C - KOS Signs - KOS Signs are Permitted on-base entrances to notify on ground entry, however entering a claimed house can result in KOS from the building owner.
2D - Fading Doors - Bases are permitted a maximum of 4 Fading Doors (includes ANY use of the Fading Door tool).
2E - Keypads/Buttons - There must be a keypad or button on each side of the fading door. Fake/Hidden keypads/buttons are not allowed
2F - Not-Permitted Bases - Crouch/Maze/Sky bases/killboxes are not permitted.
2G - Headglitch - Do not headglitch (70% of the body must be visible)

Job specific Rules - 
3A - Hitmen - Hitmen/assassins must have a valid rp reason to kill someone and must advert “Hit Accepted” and “Hit Complete”
3B - Custom Jobs - Custom job ownership can’t be transferred and you can only have the number of people on the job the same as the number of slots you bought 

Cooldowns - 
5 mins - 20 mins same person

10 mins - 30 mins for the same person

15 minutes - 25 mins the same person

Bank Robberies:
25 Minutes

Kind Regards - Noble Networks Community Management